Monday, September 20, 2010

Aquela que foi perdida

"Conta-se que certo escritor uma vez, estava caminhando
numa praia deserta, quando avistou à distância, um homem
recolhendo algo das areias e jogando no mar.
Curioso, aproximou-se para ver do que se tratava.
O homem avistado recolhia estrelas do mar, que as águas
haviam arremessado na areia da praia, e as devolvia ao mar.
O escritor perplexo ao ver aquilo, disse ao homem:
Mas o que você está fazendo? São muitas estrelas...
...e essa praia é enorme!
O homem sorrindo, abaixou-se, pegou mais uma estrela e
mostrando-a para o escritor, disse:
Pode ser... mas para essa aqui, eu fiz a diferença - e devolveu
novamente a estrela ao mar.
O escritor passou a noite, pensando no que o homem na
praia, havia lhe dito.

No dia seguinte, o escritor acordou bem cedo, e foi sorrindo
pegar estrelas..."...

Só queria compartir esta historia muito particular por lembrar-me daquela estrela que nessa noite foi muito especial. Mas a mesma estrela foi victima de coisas que não deixam que a sua luz continue. Tenho a certeza que o mar vai-me arremesar aquela estrela de aqui a nada, o que aconteceu e que ela achou que não era o momento para sua luz e decidiu nadar pelo mar.

(Modelo: Veronica Perez)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prague 2010... Our Bohemian Rhapsody

                                                          (Picture By Nathaniel Smith)

It is impressive how after a month I can still vividly feel the whole excitement of the amazing month of July in the amazing city of Prague during GLP 2010. A program that from skype calls, e-mails, to cross border preparations endend up being one of the most amazing and gratifying in my life and not only in mine but in the life of sixty more wonderful people. People that didn't follow one specific custome, tradition, language, ideology, perception, but all came under the common ground of learning, sharing, enjoying and becoming global citizens in the city that takes your breath away by its unique beauty, Prague.

  It is interesting how nowadays despite our origins borders seem irrelevant. How those conceptions that people are different focusing just on facts about nationalities, religion and ideologies makes us different beings from one another. We in Prague once more showed that it doesn't matter what country you come from, what religion you follow, what language you speak, what is your political affiliation, or the colour of your skin, we are all people and human beings with the massive capacity of collaboration, sharing, LEARNING and helping others.
We were all thrown into a platform of challenges, obstacles and new opportunities that challenged and offered new horizons for our realities as individuals. Some of us became selfless, stronger, smarter, more tolerant, more considerate and in short became better people. It is interesting that when I think back about Prague not only the Czech Republic comes to my mind but places like Panama, Colombia, Mexico, U.S.A, Germany, Uganda, China, Australia, Afghanistan, Slovakia, Israel. Here is evidence of the impact that programs like this has in your life where everything changes and you become someone else, someone with more knowledge, with invaluable experiencias and with friends all over the world.
I just wanted to take a few moments and a few words to share with my fellow GLP'ers that what we did in Prague will be forever in our lives and it will in the long term manifest in many different ways for the best of all of us. Wherever you are you all have a special place in my heart and I know that we all have the potential to change the world ! I wanted to make a special mention to our wonderful staff that really dedicated in body and soul all of our efforts to make this the amazing experience it was. Heather, Jason, Raslan, Joseph, Martina and Alex !!
